Applications Manager is an enterprise automation tool that helps schedule and run tasks that streamline university operations. It integrates tightly with Banner and is important for many employees of the university.
- To use Applications Manager connect to the EMU wired administrative network or VPN on a Windows computer.
- Ensure 64-bit Java is installed on the machine and updated to the latest version. For assistance with installing Java software on your computer, contact the IT Help Desk or Submit a HD Ticket.
- If you have any issues installing or accessing Applications Manager using this procedure,contact the IT Help Desk or Submit a HD Ticket.
Client Download
- The client files are attached to this article.
Right-click on the link for .
- Choose "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...".
- Choose a location and save the zip file to your computer.
Extract Client Files
- Right click the downloaded zip file.
- Choose 'Properties'
- Check the box to 'Unblock' the file. If the 'Unblock' checkbox is not present, no action is needed.

- Click OK
- Right Click on the zip file again.
- Choose Extract All
- Open the extracted folder.
- Relocate the extracted Applications Manager directory to a desired location. (C:\ or the Desktop is recommended).
- During AM upgrade testing, keep different versions of the AM client in separate folders. Do not combine files from different Applications Manager versions, as the client version must match the server version to function.
Install Keystore Files
- Applications Manager requires keystore files to be installed in the .AppWorx directory in your user home directory. If you have a working previous version installed on your machine, you may skip this step.
- Browse to your home directory (example: C:\Users\emich_user\).
- Copy the .AppWorx directory from the client install folder to your home directory.
Launch Applications Manager Client
- In the Applications Manager directory, there are two run options:
- Double-click the RunClient.jar file. The ability to launch .jar files directly through Java may not work properly depending on all Java or Windows versions. If the client does not launch through the .jar file, try the .bat file.
- Double-click the run_am_client.bat file. This is a batch file that will launch the Client to get around file association issues.
- The Applications Manager should launch and present a log in screen.

Logging Into Applications Manager
- Select the instance you want to connect to via the "Connection" drop down on the logon screen. The Applications Manager client uses a single application to connect to multiple environments. Note: After selecting a Connection, you may click the "Remember logon" button to save your username and default Connection choice.

- Enter your user name and password.
- Applications Manager is protected by Duo two-factor authentication. To proceed with login, do the following depending on your Duo notification options:
- For users with Duo push notifications, click OK. This will automatically trigger a Duo push for confirmation.
- For users with Duo call-based notifications, add ",phone1" (without quotes) after your password in the Password field. Then, click OK. This will send a call-based request to your phone for verification.
- There is no indicator on the AM login page while it is waiting for Duo verification until it logs in successfully or times out (logon failure).
- After Duo verification is complete, you should be successfully logged into Applications Manager.