The Z-Drive (Common Drive) is a shared network drive that many departments on campus access to share and access files.
When logging into a Windows based desktop computer that is managed by EMU, the default network drive should automatically be mapped.
This article contains step-by-step instructions for configuring it on your Mac or Windows Device if it is not already mapped.
Additional Information
- If you are off campus you must be connected to VPN prior to performing this procedure.
- If you are prompted to login please use your EMU NetID and password, AD\ should prefix your NetID:
Relevant Information
In Windows 10
1. Open File Explorer
2. Select This PC
3. From the top menu select Computer then Select Map Network Drive
4. Select Drive Letter Z:
5. In folder type \\\common
6. Uncheck Reconnect at logon
7. Select Finish
On a Mac
1. Open Finder
2. Click the Go drop down menu
3. Click Connect to Server
4. Enter the following in Server Address: smb://
5. Click Connect and login.
Please note: These can be found within Keychain Access (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access) by searching for "emu"